sexta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2023

A importância de se manter seus diários

 Quando eu decidi vir estudar na Alemanha eu também resolvi desapegar de algumas coisas, mas ao invés de usar o método da Mari Kondo e começar pelas coisas mais banais como roupas que não servem, eu comecei por materiais de estudo e diários.

Parte por vergonha, parte por impulso para me sentir mais leve, eu rasguei as páginas de agendas e cadernos que contavam os meus pensamentos e minhas histórias desde que eu tinha 14 anos!

Eram histórias sobre como conheci pessoas importantes na minha vida, meus problemas com peso, desenhos, planos. Eu tinha um caderno onde anotava os países que alguém da minha família tinha visitado e onde desejava visitar. Colocava datas e desenhava a bandeira. Curioso, eu tinha essa vontade de viajar mas não imaginava que conheceria tantos lugares. 

Semana passada encontrei uma amiga brasileira que morou em Seattle antes de se mudar para cá. Eu lembrei da minha viagem para lá em 2012 e da trilha incrível que fiz. Tentei lembrar do nome e por nada me vinha. Lembrei que postei sobre a viagem aqui e lá fui eu procurar. Quantos anos de posts eu tive que voltar! Algumas coisas nada a ver, mas muitas super importantes. Mandei o link para ela, ela me disse que ficou viciada na leitura e que eu deveria voltar a escrever. 

Eu pensei: "Dieser Zug ist abgefahren," mas hoje fui deitar e fiquei com vontade de fazer essa entrada. Vai que daqui 5 anos preciso checar algo que aconteceu na minha vida e que esse cérebro de pisciana esqueceu? O endereço do meu blog eu nunca vou esquecer. 

New York,  Outubro 2011

sexta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2017

📋 Cool things I like about living in Germany,

that I actually thought I wouldn't like...

You grow up in a society and the society grows up in you, what means that several little, and big, rules of living together become part of yourself. Who would guess that I actually feel relief giving up on certain habits we have in Brazil. Here are some :

- You don't kiss people on the cheek (well you do, if you know the person, or if you want, but it is not a problem if you don't want, just 'give the hand')

- You have to leave a party/event? You don't have to start 30 minutes earlier so you can say goodbye to everybody, also people will not ask you to "stay a bit longer" and engage in a new topic. You can just politelly wave and LEAVE! 👋 (ok, now with some friends that either lived in Brazil, or Latin America, or like latino culture, I need some minutes to just say goodbye)

- Everything has their right time: Lebkuchen is awesome, it smells like Christmas, is sweet, cute. It is a shame that you can only buy it between end of November and Dezember. Or Glühwein, you should only drink it during Weihnachtsmarkt time. I used to think like that, but now I know that that´s what makes them so special. If we could have it any time, half of the fun would be gone.

- Picnic. Maybe that was just not my thing, but I would prefer to go to a restaurant or bar with friends than to seat on the grass and have snacks. But now I even carry a little grill on my bicycle! A long summer day drinking Radler with a lot of different people, sound cooler than bars.

- Mixing alcohol with water or soda. First time I heard about it I was incredulous; "Beer with coke?" but beer with soda our lemon juice is awesome. Specially good to avoid hangover, at least for me!

My list will still grow, but what about yours? Would you add something?

sexta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2017

Incredible things Germans do when biking

First of all, most of the things here are no recommendable, although pretty awesome, they are also dangerous.
One time a girl biking in front of me on a busy street dropped her purse and we almost had an accident, luckly I always keep a big distance.
After the shock I screamed a bit at her and follow my path.
Yesterday I biked for the first time from my house to the main station of Munich, something around 6 kilometers away, I realized I need to buy me a helmet.
All my daily experience biking made me thing about the following drawing:

terça-feira, 26 de setembro de 2017

Happy End

Just I quick update.
Now I live happily with my boyfriend and a fluffy-cute toilet paper.

quinta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2017

The first thing I'm gonna buy when I move to a flat alone with my boyfriend

The first thing I'm gonna buy when I move to a flat alone with my boyfriend, and not share with other 3 people, is a package of this very expensive-fluffy-ocean scented toilet paper.
When other people, that you are not related, are also using what you buy I don't see a point in expending money with nice stuff, even if it means cleaning myself with recycled toilet paper.
The same applies to other items in the household.

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